Why Chris Wilcox blocked the deal to Washington


Why Chris Wilcox blocked the deal to Washington

There’s a report out of Washington, DC that the Celtics and Wizards initially agreed on the inclusion of Chris Wilcox in the deal for Jordan Crawford.

Why Chris Wilcox blocked the deal to Washington

I can’t blame Wilcox for blocking the deal. One, he won’t get a chance at the playoffs in Washington. Two, waiving Bird rights could cost him money. [link]

The Larry Bird exception allows an NBA team to spend above its cap number in order to re-sign players that have performed in three seasons with that team and without going to a new team as a free agent. If a player is traded, it does not count against his number of years for this exception.

The “Early Bird” exception applies to those who played for a team for each of the previous two seasons, and if he changed teams, did so by trade.

I’m mildly surprised the Celtics would agree to move Wilcox. Sure, he’s disappointed this season, but he still has a bigger upside than Jason Collins. Right?

Funny comment on the Bullets Forever blog:

How much does Wilcox suck if Boston wanted to trade him over Collins?


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