Will The Ticket Bubble Burst?

Ticket prices are out of control.  The average Celtics ticket price last year was in the $50-something range.   Since winning it all, the average price has jumped to $65.  Nowhere near the Lakers $89… or the Hornets $24 (source). 

And while the Celtics have generally been pretty good about their ticket prices… ticket prices at sporting events everywhere are ridiculous.  Now that the economy is swirling the drain, David Stern wants teams to watch themselves when they set their rates.  The Celtics say… they're ok for now:

"I don't think you can ignore it," said Gotham of the nation's economy woes during a recent telephone interview. "But I'm very happy we're coming off the championship season because it will help us hold off economy hits. We don't foresee anything right now.

"We have sold all our season tickets. Got sponsorship done. We don't have single-game tickets available and they were gone right away when out."

The question is… what will happen next year?  And what happens when the rich companies and executives can't afford to buy out those luxury boxes?  We all know that regular fans have been priced out for quite some time.  We can't really afford to go to many games anymore.  And when we go, it's hard to get the really great seats.  Those all go to the suits. 

But the suits are a little strapped for cash nowadays.  And the suits are going to be strapped for a little while.  In fact, they're not going to be "the suits" for much longer.  What will happen to the Celtics when they can't fill the premium seats like they used to? 

For anyone who doubts that some sort of ticket price Armageddon isn't coming, I advise you to remove your head from the sand.  EVERY bubble bursts.  The internet bubble.  The housing bubble.  Everything.  Whenever something grows exponentially and without explanation, it will INEVITABLY come back down to earth.

The prices people paid for tickets and luxury seating have been ridiculous.  Now that the funds are drying up, all teams… including the Celtics… will have to start thinking long and hard about how to fill buildings. 

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