Win tickets Luxury Box tickets to tonight’s game


T-Mobile gave Red's Army 4 tickets to their Luxury Box for tonight's game against the Cavs.  Chuck and I are using two of them… and we'll be taking advantage of the venue to use my new myTouch 3G to some live broadcasting via  We'll be firing it up in between quarters and for a quick post-game. This is all very experimental right now.  We're trying new things… so thanks to TMobile for the equipment and venue to let us try it.

The other two tickets… well… we're giving those away to the first person who can answer this trivia question correctly.

Which current members of the Cleveland Cavaliers have also played for the Boston Celtics?

First person with the right answer wins.  That's 2 tickets to the suite… you get to hang out with me and Chuck (stop laughing… that supposed to be a good thing) and enjoy all the amenities the suite has to offer.

If you were following me on Twitter or a fan of our Facebook page… you already knew what the question was.  Just sayin… there are benefits.

When you answer, please be sure to include your email so I can get in touch with you.  

Good luck

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