Winter Meetings

This week is the busiest week of the off-season, and for those of us who love following every move of the hot stove rumblings, the one we look most forward to. Every GM in baseball will congregate in Orlando the next few days to discuss trades, signings and squash some crazy rumors. Oh to be a fly on the wall in one of those rooms.
Last year, us Red Sox fans were excited over the prospect of seeing Andy Marte play third base for years to come after being traded to Boston for Edgar Renteria. Yeah he??s gone, but we still had him. What will this year bring us? You can imagine Theo will be inviting Scott Boras up to his hotel room a few times for discussion regarding the Diceman’s contract, the J.D. Drew finalization and those mini hotel bar tequilas for a little “”negotiating leverage.” The decision to trade Manny will be reviewed with teams like the Dodgers, Padres, Angels, Orioles and Cubs. Julio Lugo’s agent should meet with Red Sox brass to discuss a contract (one more team may be off the list with Lofton likely going to the Cubs to play CF). Other pressing questions will also be addressed like closer, setup man and second base. Theo, Jed, Ben and Co. won??t be getting much sleep.
So what do you want to see completed during the meetings? Matsuzaka’s contract be finalized so we can stop worrying about that in the back of our minds? Manny traded for a boatload of top prospects or a couple proven vets? J.D. Drew as our starting right fielder and Julio Lugo as our new shortstop? A couple of bullpen arms? Mark Loretta re-signed? Or something out of nowhere that I’m completely missing, like a bold prediction on what will happen. Comment away!

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