Wisconsin Writer Sees a Tight One Tomorrow

Wisconsin Writer Sees a Tight One Tomorrow My cohort at AOL sees a tight game tomorrow. Pretty good read and a highlight of the one key area we have a shot, and that’s up the middle -brand new MLB, plus two new safeties, all sophomores, could be an area Brink can exploit.

But our downfall is pictured above. PJ Hill plus 4 out of 5 starters returning to an excellent o-line is going to wear us down. I know, this isn’t exactly news, but IF WE HAVE A SHOT TO UPSET THESE GUYS, WE HAVE TO STUFF THE RUN! I’m cap-locking that sentence to show how paramount it is for tomorrow. I don’t care how inexperienced your secondary is, you get any team in the country in 2nd or 3rd and long, and put a QB in obvious passing situations where your d-line can pin their ears back and bring the heat, then we’ll hang with ’em tomorrow. Seriously.
But let’s get real. These guys did go 12-1 last year, and while Michigan and Ohio State took the gaspipe collectively, Wisconsin did beat Arkansas in their bowl game. The same Arkansas that played in the SEC Championship for Gawdsakes!!?!?! How can we expect to stroll in on a humid day and beat these guys? With all those starters back? It just won’t happen.
But man, I’m excited for tomorrow.
  • I’m excited to see how much Brink has improved with his arm strength and mechanics. What if he’s suddenly throwing 30-yard laser beams on slants over the middle? What if he’s drilling it between the numbers on those 15-yard outs? What if he just shrugs at the crowd noise and the nonsense and just picks apart their secondary??
  • I’m excited to see what Matt Mullennix can bring to the table now that he’s healthy. Last year we had someone who logged in as anonymous tell us that Matt was the real deal in every way and would be worlds better than Braidwood, but we never knew who it was. Our hunch was that it was a real “insider” based on some of the things this person said, but who knows.
  • I’m excited to see if Dwight Tardy and Chris Ivory are the real deal and become our version of lightning and thunder. What if they get the job done and take the heat off Brink and the pass rush that you know will be coming in waves tomorrow?
  • I’m excited (if not a little sick) to see the new DB’s. What if Chima and Giles are up to snuff? What if they really are ready, NOW, and earned their spots based on a great camp, and not because the incumbents SUCKED!?!?
  • Most of all, I’m excited for the season to start. Last night, seeing teams get it on for real, just got me exicted to see how things are going to play out.

I know, I know, a lot of WHAT IF played out here. But that’s the beauty of being a fan, right??

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