With the 23rd pick… the Vikings select Cody Whitehair?


The Minnesota Vikings may want to draft a wide receiver but they need to be looking at their offensive line. And one player in the 2016 NFL Draft who seems to be holding their attention is Kansas State’s OL Cody Whitehair. It is a rare find now and days to have a solid o-lineman but Whitehair has seemed to be that lucky four leaf clover that the Vikings need.

Whitehair is 6’4”, 301 lbs and has played almost every position along the offensive line. He started at right tackle, moved to left guard, was moved back to right tackle then finally finished his senior year as a left tackle. That type of movement on the line shows that he has versatility and knowledge of the game.

And as we’ve seen this past season, Head Coach Mike Zimmer likes to move players to different positions when the need is there. Whitehair would be a perfect fit for Zimmer since he has the experience being moved around.

Most players in the draft need to be groomed for at least a year but Whitehair seems like the type of player who has the ability to jump in head first for the Vikings this season. He has great potential and should transition into the NFL smoothly.

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