Wolves Updates 1/10

The Wolves conclude a four-game trip — matching the longest of the season — and begin the week with a return to visit to Denver, where they unexpectedly won with a 106-100 comeback victory on Nov. 29.

From Bud Poliquin/The Post-Standard: Got a question for Jonny Flynn? Just ask him

Timberwolves coach Kurt Rambis wants Flynn to pass more, dribble less and lose some of what he calls youthful willfulness. He also wants Flynn to prove he won’t be pushed around by bigger guards.

“He’s learning how to do that better, especially when it comes to defending guards who can get down there and post him up,” Rambis said. “He understands that undersized guards have to send a message to other guards around the league that they’re not going to be somebody you can post up. You’ve got to find a way to be a little bulldog down there.”

That’s why Rambis praised Flynn for picking up two quick fouls that took him early out of a game last month. Not for the fouls, mind you, but for standing his ground.

Friday against the Pacers, Gomes looked like his old self and said he felt it too.

“You have to look for you advantages, and I think the last few games before this I wasn’t doing that,” he said.

“Tonight I ran the floor, got down there quicker than some guys, posted up real quick, and got an easy basket or a foul. That all helps the whole team out, so I am going to continue to do that.”

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