Wolves Updates 11/4 Part 2

From Jerry Zgoda/Star Tribune:

On another topic, Kevin Love says he will stitches removed from his fractured hand tomorrow and will have his hand x-rayed in a little more than two weeks from now. The results will be sent to the New York City doctor who performed the surgery and Love said he’s hopeful the hand will have healed sufficiently by then for him to resume practice.

That would be about Nov. 20 and certainly on the lower end of the six-to-eight week time frame estimated when he broke the hand Oct. 16 at Chicago. It’d take him some practice time to get into playing shape even if the OK comes on the 20th.

Former Wolves guard Darrick Martin appears to be the choice to become the team’s new assistant coach of player development.

Martin, who played for the Wolves in 1994-95, 1995-96 and 2003-04, was at the shootaround this morning dressed in the team’s practice gear for coaches. Martin was among several candidates brought in for interviews and a practice tryout during the preseason.

From Britt Robson at Canis Hoopus: Quick takes with Rambis and Gomes from last Friday
Even while pushing Flynn to improve, Kurt acknowledged, “The effort’s there.  He wants to be terrific.”

The Wolves are still trying to figure out how to win games.  They’re not going to suddenly roll out a lengthy streak and challenge for a playoff seed.

Nonetheless Rambis is happy with the group he has, “I love the scrappiness of this team.  They continue to fight.  They continue to give good effort.  We’re trying to get them to accept the identify of who they are.  They’re going to have to be a high energy, scrappy, always giving those maximum efforts.  I keep telling them sometimes it’s going to take that seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth effort in order to get the stops – in order to get the possessions we need.  I really admire that quality about the guys.”

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