Wolves Updates 11/9

Click here for the forum’s thread for tonight’s game at Golden State
Game previews:
Entering Sunday night’s game against the Portland Trail Blazers, Jefferson averaged 15.3 points, six rebounds and 31 minutes per game — well below his 2008-09 averages of 23.1, 11 and 36, respectively.

“I’ve never experienced an injury like this, and I am frustrated,” he said. “I want to pick up where I left off last year. When I’m on the court I want to be who I know I can be, and I can’t do that. It takes time.”

Despite losing 30 pounds to aide his rehabilitation during the offseason, Jefferson is not yet in game shape. An Achilles injury and a bout with the flu slowed him during the preseason. His torn right anterior cruciate ligament has been repaired but the knee remains painful and slow to respond.

“My knee has good days and bad days,” Jefferson said. “Conditioningwise, I still have a ways to go. But I’m really happy where I’m at right now.

Slimmed down considerably when he reported for training camp in late September, Love was hoping his new boyish figure would provide more of an answer in two November visits 13 days apart.

He’ll never know — at least not until next season — now that his fractured left hand almost certainly will cause him to miss both visits back home, including Sunday’s game against the Blazers.

“I was very curious to see how I’d play because I had some of my worst games against them last year,” Love said. “I don’t know what the statistics were, but they weren’t good. I was hoping to come out and have a better showing, but I’ll have to wait until next year.”
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