Wolves Updates 1/20 Part 2

Matt Snyders/City Pages writes a feature story on the history of  “Minnesota’s most heartbreaking franchise” that includes “the team’s most important moments.”
In flipping their horrendous 4-23 start into a startling 9-3, the Wolves have generated a slew of feel-good stories: Kevin Love, Kevin McHale,. Bassy Telfair, Rodney Carney, Brian Cardinal and Craig Smith all come to mind. But the ascension of Randy Foye as a constant second force, a star-in-waiting beside Jefferson, is the bankable cause for genuine optimism.
From Andrew Thell/Empty The Bench–  Don’t Look Now, but the Wolves are Winning
Via the forum, Khloe Kardashian on bowling with Rashad McCants and her family.
Tony Mejia/Pro Basketball News ranks the Wolves at #17 in his weekly power rankings.
Randy Foye has thrown his name in the Most Improved mix during the Timberwolves’ recent run, dependably providing points and assists to help get his team the first pulse they’ve had since before Kevin Garnett started crying after games.
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