Wolves Updates 9/5

From Sean Deveney/The Baseline:

Speaking after the Rubio-to-the-NBA deal fell apart, Kahn said that it was Rambis who told him that if he made a list of reasons for Rubio to come and reasons for Rubio to stay in Spain, the list would be about even on each side. That seemed interesting, because, again, Rambis seems to have the most to lose by Rubio not being in Minnesota.

So I asked Rambis about it. “Yes, I told David that,” Rambis said. “It was as the whole situation, whether he would be in the NBA or not, was coming to a head. It came out of talking with my staff. We can paint a scenario that is just as positive with him being here as with him not being here.

From Gerald Narciso/Dime Magazine: Top NBA JV Teams
3. Minnesota Timberwolves (Kevin Love, Jonny Flynn, Wayne Ellington, Corey Brewer)
Kevin Love and Al Jefferson will one day be the next McHale and Parrish. Love has the complete package and was groomed from birth to be a star. I don’t see anybody being able to stop that front court down the line. Yeah Ricky Rubio, pulled a Steve Francis-esque move by refusing to play in Minnesota. While that could change in the next few years, I wouldn’t count on it. Fortunately they snagged up Syracuse’s Jonny Flynn who has Nate Robinson type athleticism. Corey Brewer and Wayne Ellington are good young prospects who were both winners in college.
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