Would You Sign My Melon?

It’s been a busy week here at the Times. I’ve watched so much football this weekend, that I can’t even think in distances other than yards. I have Peyton Manning commercials rattling around in my brain. Check it to pancakes! Anyways, here’s a recap of the week that was.

ITEM ONE: The Twins finished a 4-2 week since last we spoke, winningtwo of three on the road against Boston and Baltimore. It’s tough, this part of the season, because even though a 4-2 record is good, especially on the road, you can’t help but linger over the two losses. The Twins are in the playoffs (practically)! They’ve been playing great ball! I guess the only thing that worries me is that our two veteran pitchers are the ones that took the losses. I guess history has taught me not to trust a good hitting team to do much damage in the playoffs. Just ask the Rangers. In any case, we need Santana to remain a minor deity and Carlos Silva to not suck.

ITEM TWO: On the same note, Ron Gardenhire has gone on record saying that Nick Punto is going to be the third baseman next season, without question. Normally, I would be vehemently against this idea, because really, the third base side should be a bastion for power hitters. The Twins did something kind of crazy, however, and went with a hard hitting centerfielder in Torii Hunter. Centerfield is usually the speed outfielder, and with the Twins, this is the case as well, but Hunter may end up with thirty homers, more than making up for lacking third base power production. And really, Punto provides what the Twins need at the top of the order; a slap hitter who can get on base. He’s like Ichiro, if Ichiro were prone to striking out four times a game every now and then.

ITEM THREE: The Wild have thus far avoided the injury bug, which is good I suppose, but if I know Minnesota sports, Pavol Demitra and Brian Rolston will go down in the first week of the regular season, meaning they will miss much more of the year than if they got hurt now.

ITEM FOUR: I love all the hype Notre Dame is getting this year. I bet now that they fell behind by 17 points to the seventh best team in the Big Ten, they’re assured to get a healthy dose of National Champ publicity.

ITEM FIVE: As I’ve mentioned, I’ve taken on the Blackburn Rovers as my Premiership team. As you may be able to tell from my links, I read the funnies. Well, quite frankly, reading stories recounting the Rovers’ games of the weekend is reminiscent of the recent strips in Get Fuzzy. I can’t understand a damn thing but the score. In any case, the Rovers are playing a lot better, thanks in large part to Morten Garnst Pedersen and Nonda, from the Congo. I think. I don’t know, I had to read between the lines a little bit.

Even though I’ve started a new job, working for the man, I intend to keep up my posting. In fact, I absolutely promise you a post tomorrow. – Ryan

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