Woulda, coulda, shoulda…

Woulda, coulda, shoulda... We should be getting ready to watch the mighty Cougs of Pullman battle the Horned Frogs of TCU in Holiday Bowl Junior, but alas, we get to watch Garrett Wolfe (who is, by the way, Jerome Harrison Junior). Just one more victory and we could have greatly benefitted from being in San Diego right about….now. Ah well.

But, as Holmgren says about his fast-fading NFL team walking around in Kirkland bitching about the power still not being on, “it is what it is.” But deep down? I would have loved to have seen this team just one more time. One more game to see them healthy with the likes of Hill and Bumpus back on the field going all-out. One more game to see Mkristo get a chance to rush the passer in the tradional 4-3 with his d-tackles healthy and angry and a shot to add to his WSU sack totals.

What’s interesting is the TNT’s story about this bowl game, and the bowl situation in general. It’s nice to see Sterk and Turner, WSU and UW ad’s, arm-in-arm over the Pac-10’s deal. Turner is particularly sharp in his criticism, saying among other things, how “creative and aggressive” the SEC was in their bowl agreements. Sterk isn’t as hard-lined, but his approach is a good one in let the bowls decide which bowl-eligible teams they want, and now that everyone is playing 12 games, you are going to very likely have 6-6 teams from BCS conferences automatically canceled out.

I mean let’s face it, what are the bowls REALLY about? Don’t they want to make the most money they can by having attractive match-ups? Well, a lot of people will tell you it’s about tourism, Beano Cook included, and that’s the main reason bowls were created, but getting people to travel and see their team in the postseason. One would think that WSU fans would have traveled quite well down to SD right about now, or gone in droves to Boise on New Year’s eve, but oh well.

If you are bored, check out the AOL site. I’ve gone through position-by-position on the 2007 team, at least how it sits heading into spring ball and a whole recruiting class still to be signed. Duckhater (or is it Brinkhater again?) said it best, though, in that you know, when you really look at what the Cougs have coming back next year? We might be better than we think. But 2008 could be really special, if things break a certain way.

As far as AOL goes, things have obviously tailed off in a big way. This is the offseason, and the news is fairly quiet right now. It’ll crank back up as recruiting news breaks, etc.

And, finally, for what it’s worth? I’ve heard Robb Akey is STILL very much a candidate for Idaho! In fact, I was told last week not to believe the Kramer stories, and that there was a skeleton or two in that closet that would be brought to the forefront, and sure enough, he was right. So, Akey could still be on the way out.

If Akey does get the Idaho job, who do you think is ready to assume the DC spot? Walker? How about Leon Burtnett? Ken Greene? An outside hire perhaps? Time will tell. One thing is clear, though, and it was made perfectly clear in 2004 – Robb Akey WANTS to be a head coach, and, more than likely, his shot is coming, and it’s going to be sooner rather than later.

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