Wrapping Up Pujols Week

Bloody Mary Tomato Soup

Many props to HMW for “Albert Week”. He took an idea we had about a month ago to fill some time in these pretty boring winter months and slayed it. Hopefully you enjoyed most, if not all of it, but in case you missed something…

Highlights of “Albert Week”

+ Hooks sings.
+ Writers including Tim McKernan and Will Leitch predict Albert’s future.
+ Trumbsy imagines the Cardinals future clubhouse.
+ FWC writes a love letter to AP.
+ The Mad Librarian makes a point, while HMW makes a counter.

Plus there was tons of other stuff. Feel free to troll around the site and see what you missed.

One thing we did miss was this petition over at MVPujols where people are encouraged to sign and let the Cardinals know why they need to make Bert a Cardinal for life. And even if you don’t feel that way, the outpouring of lunacy is pretty staggering, so check it out and sign it, if you’re so inclined.


Perhaps we’ll have a theme week again, sometime soon. Perhaps not. But at the end of the day, we’ve at least ruined The Hangover for you forever. So we’ll hang our hats on that.

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