WWE Champion Shows Support for David Denson


On Saturday, Helena Brewers outfielder David Denson made news as he became professional baseball’s first openly gay player and, like most of us, Darren Young didn’t know who Denson was until his story was told in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

But, it’s safe to say, Young is now a fan of the 20-year-old minor leaguer.

You see, two years ago to the day Denson’s story broke, Young (real name Frederick Rosser) outed himself as the WWE’s only openly gay Superstar. And on Monday, the current tag team champ took to the Twitters to show his support for Denson.



I’m not sure yet what Denson’s revelation will mean for him or the game of baseball itself, but I know this…it’s gotta feel nice have Young in your corner.

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