Yankees Present Derek Jeter Personalized Cake


Sunday was “Derek Jeter Day” in New York and as part of the celebration, the Yankees retiring their retiring team captain with a number of gifts.

The future Hall of Famer received a 10-day vacation to Tuscany, a framed display of the patches from all 14 of his All-Star Games, a crystal display and a sizable donation ($222,222.22 to be exact) to his Turn 2 Foundation.  Head athletic trainer Steve Donohue even presented the 40-year-old with the massage machine he had, apparently, been joking about taking with him from the clubhouse.

Also on hand for the ceremony, were a slew of guests (including NASA astronauts!)…and this.


Takes the cake…get it!  Let’s just hope this cake has a better ending to its story than the last time a Major League team tried hiring TV’s “Cake Boss” to aid with its celebration.

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