Yanks Say They Are Out of Santana Sweepstakes

This may not be the last time we have heard this with Hank at the helm but the Yankees are reportedly out of the Santana race. An unnamed Yankee official told ESPN radio that they have dropped out of talks for the Twins ace. That leaves the Twins with 3 choices: continue to negotiate for some young players from the Mets, take the Red Sox offer, or keep Santana for the season and let him go into free agency next fall. The Mets do not have the number of players who are ready to play in the big leagues as the Sox do so Boston will once again be the front runner. Since the Sox have not traded Coco yet it appears they are still interested in Santana.

UPDATE: Hank says the report is not true but they never had a formal offer for the Twins…whatever Hank

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