Brinkhater loves to read Doba’s quotes that credit his mediocre quarterback while discrediting the most talented and hardworking members of the football team–the receivers. Sure, Biennemen–a 3.7 magna cum laude senior– is the dude that made mistakes on his reads after starting for FOUR YEARS in this offense…Couldn’t be Brink, couldn’t be Brink…

The Big Thing in all of this really is how the staff will react in the future to the same type of “adjustment” that OSU threw at us. And, getting back to Hawk’s point, you MUST run the football when you’re ahead by two touchdowns at the half. You MUST.

And with that in mind, we MUST run the football this weekend. WE MUST. Ideally, you’d like to see Harrison hit 140 with Woolridge hitting about 60. 200 yards rushing with another 250 through the air. Win the damn game 35-21 and move on to UCLA and bowl eligibility.

Stanford is TERRIBLE and outside of two weeks where they almost knocked off SC and then beat us, they were terrible last year too. And while we COULD lose, we won’t because we’re WAY too talented offensively. The question is whether or not we will develop the type of discipline offensively that will allow the D to be able to develop–cuz they won’t if they’re on the field for 35 minutes a game. And offensive balance and discipline by the coaching staff will be crucial if we want to beat an upper division team (which we’ll have to after last week’s loss).


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