Yo, I’m Taylor Hall, and I’m awesome


What’s up dudes, I’m Taylor Hall. I was just drafted by the Oilers, but you totally knew that. I was the only player in the draft that was awesome enough to follow in the footsteps of the Great One. Or should I say….. SKATE STEPS! Ha! Damn, I am hilarious.

Yeah, well, I am going to be the AWESOME One. Well, I guess I already am the Awesome One, because there’s no way I’m going to Los Angeles. LOL. Could you imagine if both me and Ashton Kucher in the same town? Way too much awesome in one town. The terrorists would probably want to nuke the hell out of LA because they would be jealous of how awesome it is.

Hold on, check this out


Fly, right? Yeah buddy.

So yeah, you know how else you can tell I’m awesome? Guess what country I’m from… Canada. That’s right, same one as the Biebs. That’s Justin Bieber for those that don’t know. Same as Nickelback, best rock band on the planet. Canada is just as awesome as I am. Oh sh*t, I hope we don’t get nuked. Terrorists, bro.

Wait what? Awww no! My bro just iced me! I gotta go dudes,

/flashes sideways peace sign

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