Well, that was ugly.
Actually, it wasn’t looking too bad until about 5 minutes remained in the first half. At that point it was 46-39, and the Cavs had managed to stay within 7 points the entire half. They had yet to make a big run and were keeping the powerful Suns close. Then the big run came….but it wasn’t the Cavs who made the run.
The Suns scored 21 points over the final 5 minutes of the half. The Cavs scored 2. The Cavaliers never threatened Phoenix again.
So what does this mean to the Cavs and their title run? Frankly, not a damn thing. They weren’t supposed to win this game, and they will learn from their play. But what WILL mean something is if they don’t pick up the pieces immediately. Saturday night, they play in Los Angeles against the Clippers. L.A. is only 17-19, but that’s due to a horrific road record. They are 12-6 at the Staples Center, and they are returning from a 6-game road trip.
We need to rebound strong and win this one. We cannot afford a slump now.
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