You Can Be the Proud Owner of This Arena

You Can Be the Proud Owner of This Arena

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Many times when a major piece of real estate is bought and sold, it is done so behind closed doors. Many times, the Average Joes out there like you and me don’t have an opportunity to purchase some of the great arenas that come up for sale in this great nation.

This is not one of those times.

The Steel Ice Center in Bethlehem, PA is up for auction. And they’re advertising it in the New York Times because, well, they’re probably desperate. For only $6.75 million you can be the proud owner of this five year old facility in the heart of steel country, Pennsylvania. It’s got two NHL-sized rink but, sadly, no minor league or pro hockey teams. It’s up to you to bring that in.

All bids must be in by July 1st at 3PM. I’ll be giving it a shot, assuming I can convince a bank that I’m worthy of a $7 million loan. In other words, it’s all yours.

Happy bidding!
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BallHype – You Can Be the Proud Owner of This Arena

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