You Got Rondo’d

rajon rondo

Rondo'd (rŏn'dō'd) v.: moving smoothly between larger objects, being able to remove an object quickly and efficiently, or creating a distraction with a swift change of direction

That's the Reebok definition anyway.

Its part of an ad campaign that Reebok will be debuting online and in The Garden for the Finals. 

Reebok filmed three commercials in Canton over the weekend with former Celtics Jo Jo White and Dee Brown and Patriots star Vince Wilfork. The spots will be shown online and in TD Banknorth Garden during the Finals. The first one shows a small car sliding between two Hummers into a parking spot. The drivers of the Hummers stick their heads out of their cars in disgust. Then White gets out of the small car and says, "Sorry, fellas, you just got Rondo'd." The second ad shows Brown as a dentist, wearing a surgical mask. After pulling a tooth from a satisfied and surprised patient, Brown says, "It's OK. I Rondo'd it. You'll be fine." The last commercial shows Wilfork and some of his teammates watching a game, with one slice of pizza left. Wilfork points out a window and says, "Hey, check it out, a parade!" While they look, Wilfork eats the last slice. A teammate says, "Vince, did you just Rondo my slice?" Another adds, "Dude, we totally got Rondo'd."

For example… Steve Nash got Rondo'd in this gameChris Paul got Rondo'd all night long a few months ago.  Derron Williams got Rondo'd too.  The Lakers are about to really get Rondo'd… because there's no way D-Fish is quick enough to handle it… and there's no way that 3-marshmallow front line will step up to do anything about it.

I'm going to be away for the next couple of days.  I expect the rest of you to pick up the slack and back Chuck up in the face of ridiculous statements and delusions of victory by the hoards of Lakers flocking to our site.  They'll be the ones who disappear after the C's take a 3-1 lead in this series.

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