You Know It Means Something When the Art Students Get Involved

You Know It Means Something When the Art Students Get InvolvedNow, this is going to come across as a sweeping generalization because, well, that’s what it is but I speak from experience. At the Art Institute of Pittsburgh they’ve taken notice that the Penguins are, in fact, involved in a very significant hockey competition. It’s so significant that the locals have taken to decorating their mascot. Rex, as he is affectionately called, is pictured below donning a Penguins jersey/t-shirt/something (Do they come in size T-Rex?).

 And — I think I can say this thanks to the many hours I spent sort of amassing a minor in photography — when the art students take notice that sports exist you know something important must be going on. But of course I don’t need to tell you that because if you’re reading a hockey blog, well, you already knew. These folks? Well, these folks are hip, with it, too cool and probably were scarred by athletic experiences earlier in childhood. 

Oh and ‘Rex’ has a blog. Of course. When statues have blogs you know we’ve almost reached critical mass.

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