You Make the Call: How Should the Angels Handle the Hot Corner?

The Angels appear to be reaching a critical mass at third base.  Brandon Wood is hitting so poorly that the Angels have actually forbid him from batting practice, an idea so insane and contrary to logic and reason that it just might work (but probably won’t).  Meanwhile, Maicer Izturis is about to return from the disabled list to once again put some depth chart pressure on Wood again.  The Halos know they can’t possibly let this situation exist much longer before they are going to have to make a tough decision.  So what should they do?

You Make the Call! How should the Angels handle the hot corner?

A) Stick with Brandon Wood. They’ve stuck with him this far, what else do they have to lose?  Sooner or later he won’t be disappointing anymore and his sucktacularity will become the norm and he will finally stop pressing, thus allowing him to relax and finally succeed.  (Ummmm, yeah, that will work, right?).

B) Give Maicer Izturis the job.  Screw having depth on the bench.  There is no point in having an awesome utility player if the guys he is backing up suck beyond all belief, just give him the starting gig that we all know he will excel at and worry about the bench later.

C) Let Kevin Fransden have a real chance.  The Angel defense is one of the worst in the league already, so why not just throw caution to the wind and give Fransden a chance at earning the job.  He’s hit well so far, he deserves a shot even if he can’t make the throw from third to first.

D) Make a trade.  Finding a trade target shouldn’t be hard since just about anyone would be an upgrade over Wood at this point.  The sooner they make a move the better the odds are that the new guy can make an impact and help the Angels get their head above water again.

SECRET OPTION E) Kidnap Chone Figgins.  Actually, with the start he is off to in Seattle, the Mariners might hand deliver him themselves.  Can’t Reagins and Figgy both just admit they were wrong to split up and get the band back together again?

MLB: Angels vs Tigers MAY 1

If Wood isn’t the man for the hot corner than who is?

Let us know what you think the right call is or submit an answer of your own by leaving a comment below.

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