You Mess With One Bean, You Mess With The Whole Burrito

This was the theme for last nights game.

Freaking James Wisniewski. That boy, along with the rest of the Ducks, now have giant targets on them. The Coyotes and their fans will not forget what happened to their Captain last night. It was the same kind of hit that had two other players leaving the ice on stretches early this season. I used to be ambiguous about hits to the head, but these kind of hits have to stop. These are not accidental hits to the head. These are full on intentional, could have been avoided hits. And those are just wrong.

For a moment I thought I was watching a football game the way Wisniewski (from this point on he will be known as Douche-bag) went after Doan. Then Doan was down for a long time and no whistle to stop play. The fans were on their feet. Finally Doaner got up but stumbled and fell right back down. The refs were checking to see if he was ok but still no whistle and no stoppage of play. We had tears in our eyes because we didn’t know if our Captain was ok. We had never seen him fall trying to get up. It was a very stressful moment to see our Captain in that position. But he was back very shortly after that and the game was taken up a notch.

First to respond was Yandle who dropped the gloves with Douche-bag as soon as the refs finally stopped the play. He may not have fought good, but he fought. He earned a gold star for that one. After that, all the guys got in on the act. At the end of the first period I thought there would be a huge fight. Jovo was barking at someone. Marty had Douche-bag (and looked like he didnt know what to do). Everyone was going after a Duck. I was trying to pay attention but I had Yotesgurl grabbing one shoulder shouting “MARTY” and The Yotes Diva grabbing my other shoulder shouting “JOVO! He;s barking at that Duck! JOVO!”

We were on our feet so many times tonight. I felt like I really was in church. There were so many fights. So many scrums. It was one of the best games I have ever been to. Just the way the boys responded was amazing. Since the refs weren’t calling much and the Ducks were dirty, the boys started to play dirty. There were elbows flying, shoves and Scottie appeared to knee Niedermayer in the face. I have never seen the opponent bench get so much action from the Coyotes. It was quite busy with our boys getting a little pay back in as the Ducks went for a line change.

Douche-bag also fought with Shane Doan, in which Doan promptly kicked his ass. Once he had Douche-bag down he gave him one last good punch. It was very Carcillo-esque when Doan got up, hair flowing, jersey askew and the crowd on their feet cheering him on.

Bissonnette went with Parros. Paul seemed to hold his own against a much larger Parros. There were a few other times it looked like they would go again.

There were many other scraps and stuff but I can’t remember them all. There was just so much going on. This is going to be a good series this season.

Lang got our first goal of the night. Fiddy tied it up. Radim got the only goal in the shoot out as Bryz shut down all three ducks. Bryz had a really good night (this does not mean I am on the Bryz bandwagon.. he still has a lot to prove to me).

At one point we had four Coyotes in the box but our PK unit was excellent. We had Sami, Fiddy and Adrian out for the 5 on 3 for almost a full two minutes. Those boys worked hard. I need to come up with a reward for them. Gold stars are just not enough. Yes, the ducks did score, but it was one of those things that was inevitable. But damn, I was impressed.

And can I say… I really hate the delay of game, puck over glass penalty. I really think it should not be a freaking penalty. It’s such a lame ass penalty and the only one who ever gets it is Z. Now, you would say, “shouldn’t Z work on that” but to me it does not seem intentional. He is just trying to get the puck out of the zone during PK. Let’s make it more like icing and just have a face off or something. It’s such a  bullshit penalty. It seriously needs to go away.

Muhammad Ali was in Doug Moss’ suite tonight. The crowd gave him a standing ovation when he was shown on the jumbo-tron.

Keith Yandle had a Jovo moment, while Jovo had one heck of a game. I actually cheered for Jovo. WTF? Was it a Freaky Friday d-man switch? Yandle was standing in the Ducks zone and someone passed him the puck. He just stood there as the puck flew by him and out of the zone. Still not sure what he was looking at…

The Coyotes are now 9-4. How is that for a start of the season? We are second in the Pacific. One point and one game behind the Sharks. And it looks like we are 3rd in the West. Colorado, San Jose, Phoenix, Chicago. Dang. Keep it up boys, keep it up!!!

I must apologize loyal readers. I did not blog about the road trip. I didn’t watch 2 of the 3 games. I did listen to some of them on the radio. We lost to the Rangers. We beat the Bluejackets and shut out the Blues. All-in-all it was a successful road trip.

Tippett benched Scottie in the blues game because he took too many penalties in the Bluejackets game. Mueller was benched against the Ducks last night. Tippett is my new hero. He is calling out the players and he isn’t afraid to tell/show them that they need to step it up. This is something Gretzky would have never done. It’s amazing what a good coach can do.

I cannot wait to see where this season takes us. I am still feeling a playoff run.

On a side note… I am very disappointed in the Coyotes. They were going to have blanket night in November. I got my ticket and had a great sign idea (My blanket scores more than Heatly – ahahahaha) and now? They freaking move it to December 26th. The day after Christmas. WTF? I bought my plane ticket in June because I need to go home for Christmas this year. So now I am missing out on blanket night. It is my favorite give-a-way and really the only one I want. And now I can’t get it. Freaking sucks. Way to go Coyotes. Let’s alienate some more fans with your horrible front office. This is the second time this season the operations has pissed me off.

In other news… Ryan is back! OMG. My ticket guy is back. YAY! Maybe I can actually get some GOOD service from someone in the Coyotes operation.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd if you made it through all of that, congrats. You have earned yourself a hot dog. 🙂


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