Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them
highlighting the big storyline. Because there’s nothing quite as
satisfying as a good morning dump.
“If I had to bet, and again I don’t think its been entirely decided yet, but I think it’s more likely than not that he decides to take a break from coaching.”
Steve Bullpett on The 2 Man Game
Rivers said before signing his extension in 2008 that he did not want to
go into a season as a lame-duck coach, which is exactly what would
happen if he returned for 2010-11 without an extension. My guess is that
the only way Rivers does not return voluntarily is if the Celtics
somehow find a way to win another championship. No one would begrudge
him for taking Cloud Nine Air Lines back to Florida. What else could he
do here?
Short of that, there would be around five million reasons, and lots of
unfinished business, to make him think long and hard about not coming
Peter May on ESPN Boston: Doc at a crossroads.
I actually think both these guys are on the same side of the fence. No one is going to sit there and guarantee that Doc Rivers is either staying or going next year… and the arguments for either side are good.
Is someone REALLY going to turn down 5 million dollars to do a job? Doesn’t seem very likely, does it?
If Doc and family have been planning for him to take some time off, then they’ve probably planned for him to lose some income during that hiatus. AND we know how good Doc is on TV… so I can virtually guarantee that he could go back to central Florida and then jet to Atlanta to join TNT/NBA TV and make a little bit of cash.
I like Bulpett’s reasoning for saying what he said. And I’m going to approach this offseason like he’s not going to return. The CBA is going to expire soon and the NBA is going to stand strong in trying to get what it wants… including locking the players out. Meanwhile, the possibility of a complete re-shaping of the Celtics roster still exists this offseason. Here’s more from Steve last night:
“if you wanted to rebuild, if you wanted to detonate this thing as best you could, you don’t have to resign Ray Allen. And you can try to make a move with someone else… with some of your more important players.”
That last bit sparked some wild speculation out of me and Chuck.
Which “more important players” can be moved? Who else is there? KG? Is his contract really moveable? Or is Paul Pierce the guy that gets shopped this offseason should Danny Ainge say “let’s blow it up?”
You can listen to Steve Bulpett’s fascinating interview here:
After Bulpett, we were joined by ESPN Boston’s Chris Forsberg, who messed with our heads in the “Forsberg 5.” When it was over, Chuck was crying and I was rocking in the fetal position in a dark corner of my house muttering to myself.
On Page 2, Perk flat out tells it like it is for the playoffs
AP Photo
“I’m anxious to see when the playoffs get here what type of team
we’ll be,” Kendrick Perkins
said. “I think the first round will tell it for us.“I’m just anxious to see the energy level, to see if guys’ focus is
there. I think the first round for us is going to tell it. We’ll have to
feed off of that.”
Herald: Heat on Celtics to prove worth
If NBA players take classes on how to double-talk and say nothing to the media during their interviews, Kendrick Perkins failed. He continues to be brutally honest and maybe the only real barometer of what’s going on with this team.
“I’m anxious to see the energy level, to see if guys’ focus is there” ???
I wonder who he might be talking about there? Clearly energy and focus has been a problem… and Perk doesn’t like it. Perk is one step away from saying “These guys better wake the hell up or I’m gonna start ripping arms out of their sockets.” He should try it. It’s a tactic that seems to work.
The rest of the links:
Herald: Re-Heat and Serve | Heat two good with Wade and Haslem | Intriguing matchup: Garnett vs. Beasley | Wade seems to be having fun again | Globe: Old Favorites | C’s brace for Heat | Not according to plan | Globe 10.0: Will Doc leave? | ESPN Boston: Careless whispers | Hollinger: 1 and done for Celtics | Doc with Mike & Mike | CSNNE: Tony Allen finally finds game, role with C’s | MWDN: Player-by-player look at the season that was | WEEI: Camerato: A look back vs. Heat | Durant: Celtics, Lakers comments disrespectful | Celtics Blog: No. More. Excuses | Celtics Hub: Sheed’s lost season, more accurately summed up | CSL: Doc uses Jedi mind tricks, fails | Perk is a Beast: Last hurrah for Scal?
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