Your Morning Dump… Where Jeff Van Gundy thinks Miami will be OK

Jeff van gundy miami Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them here…
highlighting the big storyline. Because there's nothing quite as
satisfying as a good morning dump.

“They will break the single-season win record [of 72],'' Jeff Van Gundy
said. “And I think they have a legit shot at the Lakers' 33-game
[winning] streak [in 1971-72], as well. And only the Lakers have even a
remote shot at beating them in a playoff series. They will never lose
two games in a row this year.

Miami Herald: Van Gundy: Miami will break Bulls' win record

If we were sitting here a year ago saying the Celtics had a shot at 72 wins, then I suppose we have to entertain the possibility of Miami doing it. 

But the argument for the C's last year was not only a great starting unit, but also a deep bench (or so we thought at the time).  That's where Miami is going to have whatever problems it will face this year. 

Chemistry will be an issue to start, but only because you've got the 3 guy use to having the ball so much that it will take some time for them to be comfortable giving it up.  They'll also have some problems at first figuring out simple little things about playing with each other like who'll be slashing… who likes to fade to a certain spot… how one guy likes the picks to be set for him.  But that will work itself out.

But Miami's patchwork bench is going to be where it will have some problems.  They did a good job getting Mike Miller in, which will obviously help… but it's not out of the question to see big leads built by the starters whittled away while at least a couple of them are on the bench. 

We'll see how Miami handles their rotations.  It will be interesting to say the least.  72 wins is certainly possible… but I don't think it will happen.

(Via Celtics Blog)

On Page 2: The Chief weighs in on Shaq

“I was happy about the acquisition of Mr. Shaquille O’Neal, it was a
good move because the Celtics are trying to win it now,’’ Parish said
last week. “Before the other veterans run out of gas, [Kevin] Garnett,
[Paul] Pierce, and [Ray] Allen. So their mission is to try to win it
now. I think between those two guys [Shaquille and Jermaine O’Neal] in
the middle, the center position is secure.’’

Globe: arish a big supporter of Shaq move

If Chief likes it… then I like it.

OK August… you can go now.  In fact… September, you're dismissed too.  Let's get right to October so we can start talking real basketball again.

The rest of the links:

SI (Shaughnessy): Shaq signing will be good on and off the court  |  Globe: Big Baby coming to Salem  |  WEEI:  Shaq's best commercials  |  Celtics Hub: Questions on the wing: Should the C's have gone safer?   |  Celtics Town: Obama assembles dream team at Ft. McNair

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