Your Morning Dump… Where Rashad McCants looks good


Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them here…
highlighting the big storyline. Because there's nothing quite as
satisfying as a good morning dump.

“McCants looked really good,’’ Ainge
said. “He shot the ball well, he competed at a high level. I’m really
surprised that he’s not in the NBA right now.

with Adam Morrison, making shots, making passes. The guys looked
hungry, they looked fit. And that’s with Hassell and Mobley, too.
Mobley, for being out of basketball the last couple years, the guy
really knows how to play.’’

Globe – Hopefuls stage talent show for Ainge

Okay… my headline was a bit misleading, but it's factually correct. McCants did look good. But so did everyone else, according to Danny Ainge.

He's the guy in that crop with the most talent. We'd love to see Danny strike gold with him as a reclamation project.

And maybe I was too quick to write off Cuttino Mobley yesterday. He averaged nearly 14 ppg (34% 3 FG) in 2008-09 for the Clippers.

If the guy gets medical clearance (Chris Forsberg reports he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the same condition that afflicted Reggie Lewis and Hank Gathers), could he really be any worse than Michael Finley was last season?

On Page 2, Mark Cuban says LeBron humiliated the entire state of Ohio.

"I don’t even have a problem that he had the TV show," Cuban said,
according to The Dallas Morning News. "But it turned out to be the
largest public humiliation in the history of sports. He humiliated the
organization, he humiliated the state of Ohio, the city of Cleveland.
All of a sudden he became a bad guy, he lost a billion dollars in brand
equity, give or take a couple bucks here or there."


He's right.

Speaking of Cuban… for a guy comfortable with a microphone in his face and speaking in public, I was surprised that his acting in Entourage was awful.

The rest of the links:

ESPN Boston – Snapshot: NBA 2K11 | CBS – Nets, Sixers want Melo? |

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