Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them here… highlighting the big storyline. Because there's nothing quite as satisfying as a good morning dump.
“Each and every year he’s maturing as a player,” Pierce said. “That happens with a lot of young players. We go through a phase where we’re young and immature and then we have to grow up, and I think he’s into that phase where he’s growing up.”
Herald: Rondo: "I've got to do better"
Can we chalk up what Rondo is going through right now as "growing pains?" If anyone would know, it's Paul Pierce, who was nearly run out of town the same way fans are turning on Rondo now.
Rondo's low point was the ref ball-toss… about which he says
“I mean, I don’t think you guys will see that again from me,” Rondo said. “So obviously I’ve learned from it, but I’m an emotional player. I just felt things were different, and I reacted the way I reacted.”
But here's the quote that really got me:
“I can do a lot more,” Rondo said. “I hold myself to a high standard really, and I’m not pleased with the way our team’s been playing. So I think I can do a better job of maybe being vocal and speaking up as far as things we need to get done — not necessarily trying to take over Doc (Rivers)’s job. Just being the point guard, I’ve been here for six years. He knows what it takes for us to win, and think I do, as well, so I think I’ve got to be more vocal as far as going into Doc’s office and trying to figure out some things that we can do to try to get some wins.”
I'm sure Doc is lookng forward to that. We'll just have to wait and see how this second half goes down.
Related links: Rondo: first half, suspension, behind us
On Page 2: Paul Pierce is the worst headline writer ever
On making it to the All-Star game for the 10th time.
PP: You know, they're all pretty special. The first time you make it, you're excited that you've arrived as an NBA player and that motivates you to keep going. To make it here my 14th year is a feat. I'm constantly motivated to want to be one of the best players in the league.
Let's say you were an AllStar MVP. You're on publications across the country. What do you want the headlines to read? It can say absolutely whatever you want.
PP: "Pierce wins MVP." I don't know, I'm not a writer.
ESPN Boston Rondo on All Star Nod: Good B-Day gift
Pierce is one of five Celtics to make 10 All Star games. He's probably not going to need anyone to write that headline though.
The rest of the links.
ESPN Boston: Grading the C's at the half way point | 10 trends that describe Celtics' slide | WEEI: Ainge: no move for the "sake of doing it" | Midseason report card | Herald: Celtics stars point fingers | Globe: Celtics next move should be pivotal | Video: Celtics at All Star break
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