Your Obligatory (and Belated) Pre-Season Prediction Post

Your Obligatory (and Belated) Pre-Season Prediction Post

Well as you probably know, we’re not shy about writing up those posts that everyone and their dog also writes up. You know, everyone has season previews and predictions this time of year. The NHL Blogger Handbook clearly outlines all of the duties we have to fulfill this time of year as a licensed NHL blogger.

Hey, there are certain things everyone has to do. And this is another one of those posts. So we’re a day late and a dollar short (pretty good in this economy) with our predictions, but here they are anyway.

Feel free to debate and nitpick in the comments but remember that we’re only bloggers. We live in our parent’s basement and gave up on getting our degrees because we discovered the joys of Adult Swim on Cartoon Network and eating icing right the container. Wait… Or was that just a dream I had last night. Eh, either way, here are your predictions, with the following disclaimer from Ryan: “I would provide any rational insight if I had any, but alas, I do not.” He may or may not have used a dart board to aid in the selection process (e3). I may or may not have had my cat assist me by throwing rolled up print outs of NHL lineups around the living room to see which one she ran after with the most voracity. That is according to sources close to my cat (e4).

Oh, and these predictions take division winners into consideration. At least mine and Ryan’s do. There’s no telling if my cat understands divisional play.

Kevin’s Picks Ryan’s Picks Kevin’s Cat’s Picks
1 Pittsburgh Montreal Washington
2 Washington Pittsburgh Carolina
3 Montreal Washington Islanders
4 New Jersey Rangers Rangers
5 Philly Boston Philadelphia
6 Boston New Jersey Atlanta
7 Tampa Bay Ottawa New Jersey
8 Ottawa Carolina Buffalo
9 Rangers Tampa Bay Toronto
10 Buffalo Philadelphia Ottawa
11 Carolina Buffalo Florida
12 Florida Islanders Boston
13 Islanders Atlanta Pittsburgh
14 Toronto Toronto Montreal
15 Atlanta Florida Tampa Bay
1 Detroit San Jose Nashville
2 San Jose Calgary Phoenix
3 Minnesota Detroit Chicago
4 Dallas Anaheim Detroit
5 Chicago Vancouver Minnesota
6 Anaheim Chicago Vancouver
7 Calgary Colorado Colorado
8 Colorado Dallas Calgary
9 Nashville Minnesota St. Louis
10 Columbus St. Louis Dallas
11 Vancouver Nashville Columbus
12 Edmonton Edmonton Los Angeles
13 Phoenix Phoenix San Jose
14 Los Angeles Columbus Edmonton
15 St. Louis Los Angeles Anaheim
Runner Up Washington Pittsburgh Dallas
Champ Detroit Calgary Philadelphia

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BallHype – Your Obligatory (and Belated) Pre-Season Prediction Post

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