Your Stanley Cup Blog Update

On Tuesday I told you about the NHL’s inane marketing ploy; giving the Stanley Cup it’s own blog (the actual fucking trophy). The following are actual posts on “Stanley’s” blog, ladies and gentlemen. Remember, actual posts.

“Hey Stanley, it’s me again. Please tell me how u think the Sharks have been playing lately. I know it hasn’t been good, but I just wanted to hear it from someone else. Hope u come to San Jose this summer!! Love Ya

Posted by: hockey_lover004″

And the reply…

“Dear hockey_lover004,

I watched the game on Versus last night…the Sharks certainly didn’t let the octopus intimidate them, did they? Wow! Stanley was impressed, but it’s still a long haul.

Good luck to your Sharks.

Your friend,



“Hey Stanley! You said you visited different countries. Now I want to invite you to Ukraine. What yuo say? And bu the way if you wanna talk to a guy who is very interested in hockey email me – [email protected] I think could find a lot of to talk about. And about the visit to Ukraine – thik it over1 I’ll be waiting for your reply! I’ll post smth for you later! OK bye!

Posted by: Dany”

“Dear Dany,

That sounds great, I would love to cum over and visit you in the Ukraine. I hear the girls over there are pretty wild. But let’s talk about us. How old are you? I sure hope you’re 18 because we could have so much fun! 😉 If I visit, I’ll bring my friend Richard. He’s a great guy, you would love to meet him. He’s a HUGE hockey fan too! What do you do for fun in the Ukraine? I mean other than hockey, of course! Talk to you soon.



OK, well, that last post by Stanley isn’t real, and not just because it’s a fucking trophy. But I imagine that it’s not too far from the truth. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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