{"id":228942,"date":"2007-09-11T10:12:20","date_gmt":"2007-09-11T10:12:20","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/vip.local\/2007\/09\/11\/you-can-still-achieve-your-nba-dreams-just-exploit-a-small-child\/"},"modified":"2007-09-11T10:12:20","modified_gmt":"2007-09-11T10:12:20","slug":"you-can-still-achieve-your-nba-dreams-just-exploit-a-small-child","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thesportsdaily.com\/news\/you-can-still-achieve-your-nba-dreams-just-exploit-a-small-child\/","title":{"rendered":"You Can Still Achieve Your NBA Dreams (Just exploit a small child)"},"content":{"rendered":"
\n* I’ve been working on this program to help people achieve their NBA Dreams. This is the pitch that I’m supposed to give to several self help groups and churches next week. Let me know where it can be strengthened. <\/em><\/p>\n

\n \n<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

The Hook:<\/strong>
\nDo you want to be part of the NBA but lack the athletic ability, drive, determination, dedication, heart, courage, mental toughness, physical toughness, work ethic, basketball I.Q., and skill level to be a player or coach? Are you a person of low moral guidelines and questionable ethics? Then I can help. <\/p>\n

Competition for NBA roster spots and coaching positions is politically vicious and downright nepotistic. As the amount of dollars generated by the NBA increases the moral standard of our sporting culture decreases and that’s where your entry into the exclusive NBA world lies. You may not possess any of the necessary aforementioned skills but you do possess a half-hearted desire to be in the NBA and an extremely low moral base and that’s all I need to get you in. <\/p>\n

The Origination:<\/strong> <\/p>\n

I, like you, love the NBA. Since I was a child I dreamed of being a part of it, but as I grew older I learned that I possessed neither the athletic prowess to be an athlete nor the mental capability to be anything more than a lifelong customer service employee. Fourteen years of my post highschool graduate life were spent experiencing a fair amount of cognitive dissonance as I secretely wished to be a part of the greatest sport on the planet while I floundered anonymously in my lower-middle management position with an NBA team. Then one day, like a gift from God, the following scenario unfolded: I was pretending like I was working while I happily watched a guy in a wheelchair struggle to reach a book on a high shelf. Try as he might, he just couldn’t reach it. Then Jan, the happy-to-help-because-I-have-low-self-esteem-office-troll strolled over and grabbed it for him. Bam! At that moment I had an epiphany. It was all so simple. I<\/em> might never possess the gifts to get myself what I wanted, but somebody<\/em> does. All I had to do was attach myself to that person and I could piggyback my way to my dream. The National Association for the Attachment to Championship Pedigree was born. <\/p>\n

The Program: <\/strong><\/p>\n

I’ve created the National Association for the Attachment to Championship Pedigree just for people like you; the disillusioned masses refusing to believe their quitter’s mentality is a valid reason they shouldn’t achieve their unreasonable dream. Our sole purpose is to attach you to a capable human being of that will allow you to live your dream vicariously. After extensive research we determined the varying age levels prime for mental attachment and also identified the necessary tools to establish success. Grown men were already too guarded to establish the necessary bonds to assure your involvement should they reach the NBA. Teenagers were found to be too combative and not receptive enough to the introduction of new adults to their lives. That only left one other category: small innocent children. <\/p>\n

How it works:<\/strong> <\/p>\n

The National Association for the Attachment to Championship Pedigree is a simple program with an almost unbelieveable success rate. We, the N.A.A.C.P, have representatives scouring inner city playgrounds, Y.M.C.A.s, A.A.U. programs, day care facilities, labor delivery rooms, and OB\/GYN offices for destined NBA talent. Our secret scouting techniques allow us to identify the chosen few who will reach the NBA at an almost unfathomable age. We can now identify a potential NBA-er as early as the second trimester of pregnancy! <\/p>\n

For a small fee our organization will put you in contact with a destined NBA-er so that you can begin forging your morally absent relationship with that small child in hopes that they will be able to deliver a dream to you that you never could. The more you pay, the younger your contact will be and the easier it will be to manipulate your way into his life, thus guaranteeing yourself a part of his hard earned paychecks. It’s quite simple. <\/p>\n

The Types of Plans:<\/strong> <\/p>\n

\nPlan #1<\/em> <\/p>\n

\nThese kids are already the stars of their Y.M.C.A. teams.<\/em> Why aren’t <\/span>
\nyou exploiting them already?<\/span> <\/p>\n

This basic plan will put you in contact with a basketball prodigy between the ages of 8-11, just ripe for a parental role model to attach to. You will be introduced to the family as a good natured AAU coach by our highly trained undercover Evil Relationship Counselor. This plan provides you with the following items to help make sure your small child becomes emotionally attached to you: <\/p>\n