Welcome To The New Age: A Pensblog Update


It’s that time of year again, gang.  Summer is winding down, the guy from Green Day is fast asleep, and training camp is right around the corner.  The days are getting shorter and the players are slowly starting to filter into their respective cities, so we figured now would be as good of a time as any give you a little update, to reintroduce you all to the staff and let you all know what you can expect from your friendly, neighborhood Pensblog for this coming season.

Welcome To The New Age: A Pensblog Update


As many (or all) of you are aware by now, Rich is riding off into the sunset of blog death retirement (read his farewell here).  With that, our fearless leader leaves behind a legacy continued from his predecessors before him.

To that point, if it wasn’t for Rich (and Jesse), ya boi here would’ve probably stayed in blogging retirement himself.  I can’t thank either of them enough for giving me the will to live write again and can’t thank Rich enough for entrusting me with the reins to this mothership with Stephen helping guide the way.

To Derek and Adam- Your baby is, at a minimum, in capable hands.  Thank you to both of you for being so insanely influential and carving out this niche on the internet for us all to fall into.

Welcome To The New Age: A Pensblog Update

With that, here’s what you can expect from us this year:

The usual, regular content isn’t going anywhere.  For our money, Gamedays are that perfect cross-ice PP feed from Phil! on the half-wall and Recaps are GenoBombs to the top corner.  Sometimes they miss the mark, but we know what we’re good at so why fix what ain’t broke?  They’re here to stay.

With that in mind, I’ll still be doing a decent majority of the recaps with some assists from the likes of Pat, Peep, and Twitterless West Coast Rez, as was the case last season.

With respect to Gamedays, you’ll notice a new voice coming to you, along with Rez, this year in the form of our newest contributor (who also happens to be coming out of blog retirement), Josh.  Josh comes with loads of experience, is a really talented writer whomst really gels with our style, and definitely knows his shit.  Between the two of them, the Gameday content will knock your genitals straight to Uranus.

On top of the consistent game stuff, we’ll be bringing you all a ton of weekly content as well.  Things you can look forward to include a high probability of both a regular mailbag and a fantasy hockey mailbag, Peep’s continuation of his Throwback Thursday series, a weekly WBS/Prospect update from Leah (RIP Cass), and the return of something similar to what used to be Link City, where we give you a giant link dump from both Penguins blogs, other teams’ sites, and just a general overall update from around the league.

You’ll also see data-centric posts from yours truly, uber-awesome stuff from our resident historian (who happens to have a memory like a goddamn dolphin) Adrian, and a slew of other random finds, viral stories, etc., while Rad (after his educational sabbatical) and Traegs will be lurking around some corners, too.

As you also may have already heard, we’ve got some things in the works again this year in the podcast game.  Pat will be teaming up with Jesse (unearthed from his Pensblog grave) and Mike Darnay (part of the great cast over at Pensburgh) to bring you some elite Penguins coverage for your earballs in the form of a new pod: Dying Alive.

The fanboy in me is beyond excited for these three to drop this baby.  Even with Pat involved, it’s going to be a great show for everyone to tune into with a ton of great analysis.  Look out for episode 1 on Monday, September 10th.

Finally, as we start cranking up the content dial, follow us all on Twitter.  We’re all sometimes good at it and we’ll only leave you occasionally disappointed.  Except Pat.  Pat will always disappoint, but still follow him anyway.

G – @G_off817

Stephen – @im_draw

Pat – @SynonymForWet

Peep – @Peepsburgh

Rez – @rezzersup

Josh – @Kohlslaw13

Leah – @SeeYaLeah

Adrian – @penguinsmarch

Rad – @admaryland

Traegs – @DXTraeger

Site (managed almost entirely by our good friend Tony, who definitely deserves a shoutout here too) – @Pensblog

With all that being said, let’s do that hockey.  Go Pens.

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