Still playing in the shadow of that DAL loss

The Giants face the remaining two NFC North teams (Min, at Chi) in successive weekends. Both of these teams are 0-2 vs NFC East teams (Dal and Phi). The Viking game sb a win because Eli Manning sb able to throw all day while the Vikings will only be able to run on us. Peterson was upgraded to questionable, but if I am the Vikings I hold out my rookie sensation one more week since Taylor did just fine w/o the phenom able to play. Peterson is the team’s future, let him heal. And if he plays, deal with it and just make sure that one player does not beat you.

Remaining sched after the Bears… at Phi, Was, at Buf, NE.

Trying to determine the outcome at Chi, at Phi, at Buf is anybody’s guess. We could win all 3 and we could lose all three. That is a swing of anywhere from 12-4 to 9-7, assuming we win vs the Vikes and Skins at home and lose to NE (gee that last one is a reach!… I’d make the game pick’em vs their second stringers too fyi). What does any of this mean? Since losing to Dallas a few weeks back, almost NOTHING! We will get a wild card road game and even if we beat up on TB or SEA, bfd. We will lose the following week to GB or DAL unless we pitch a perfect outing, and our season is pretty much mapped out… yes, w 6 games left in the reg season. Sad but true. This was the hangover from the Dallas loss- it boxes us in almost regardless of anything we do. The only thing that can change this ‘track’ is if there is a tremendous improvement in a player or unit or if injuries really derail us. The loss of Kiwanuka and Jacobs (how long?) really track us for that road wild card. LIVE MAN WALKING DEAD.

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