The Joys of Philly

One Giant player reminded us of what makes this weekend a special one in the NFL season… “Just the proximity, it’s so close, I think they really try to stick it to you when you come down the highway,” C Shaun O’Hara said. “It’s always fun driving into the stadium to see how many people are eager to drop their pants to say hello.” And so it is every year when you play the Eagles. Some people think the entire season hinges on beating Dallas, or beating the Skins. Me? I cannot stomach the Eagles. And it all starts with their fans, some of the unruliest in the league. The things that come out of these peoples’ mouths can take the paint off a car. Each year at Giants games we see all kinds of fans. Dallas fans are loud and proud but mostly well behaved. Skins fans are quieter and still mostly civilized. Some of the worst fans are Jets fans. They come from Long Island, where half of them are inbred, so what do you expect? They bring their road rage and ugliness to the Meadowlands and cheer on women at halftime to bare their bodies like the class acts they all are.

Then come the Eagles fans. The worst. By far. Not even close. Each year that I am at the NYG-PHL I would estimate that there are more fights in the stands than the other games I see COMBINED. Easily. These people are the same ones that caused the Vet down in Philly to build the first NFL jail in the bowels of that stadium. They then brought in the first Judge to regularly dispatch justice on the drunken lot.

So it is that we play Philly again this weekend, down at the Linc. Michael Strahan on Eagles fans: “I think their fans are probably the meanest people I’ve ever been around, so it’s nice to beat Philly.”

Amen. As a realist, I do not like our chances with Westbrook in the lineup (look what happened when he was not!) this coming weekend. But let’s remember a few moments- Strahan catching that deflected interception and running it all the way back for a victory in OT… Burress taking the ball into the end zone in OT last year when Manning audibled at the line on single coverage.

One of the greatest sounds is the silence of a bunch of Eagles fans.

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