The Kiss of Death

Last week Blezow had the Bucs. Not. This week he has jumped back on the Giants bandwagon, ugh. And to make matters worse, 9 out of 10 NYPost handicappers take the Gmen. Welcome to the party. For our sake let’s hope they are not all too late. (Insert> saw that 6 out of 9 Daily News geniuses have the Cowboys, so that is a positive for the gmen.)

Saw another interesting remark from Ronde Barber on Ahmad Bradshaw…. “That kid is going to be great,” Barber gushed. “We kept on hitting him and pounding him and he kept going forward, fighting for yards.” Earth to Gilbride and Coughlin- Use him for pass catches out of the backfield. He handles the ball better than Jacobs and is much better in open space. Okay, he is much better in closed space too, but that is a matter for next season. What is truly remarkable about this Bradshaw kid is that everyone had this figured out EXCEPT the coaching staff. It took Jacobs getting hurt in Buffalo and Ward already on injured reserve for him to get a chance. If that did not happen they still would have him in mothballs.

And a final sober note. With Dockery officially out and Madison still ailing, this is going to be one big adventure Sunday in the secondary. Maybe if we just send 12 guys on the pass rush and sack Romo we won’t have any problems.

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