Bob Popa talks about Strahan’s decision to retire

Bob Popa spoke Monday evening with WFAN’s Schmoozer Steve Somers.
1) “Shocked,” and surprised that Strahan retired. Expected Michael Strahan to be back.
2) The fact that MS was 100% healthy likely came into the decision… that he was healthy in the offseason was another plus in leaving now while on top.
3) MS has apparently done well enough in other ventures, real estate etc.. to make the money issue not as significant as (the divorce angle) would have had us believe.
4) Popa referred to the (oft linked) Ralph Vacchiano blog, which said that Strahan had listed his goals, checked off the ones which were met and the ones which were not, and the(~ only) ones which were not were individual ones, so not as urgent to play anymore.
5) Somers (for the rsdodgers point): How crazy was it that the Giants players made him a team captain after holding out last summer? Popa said that the players respected the elder statesman, he works as hard as anyone and keeps things on course in the locker room when things are less steady. He certainly made that Coughlin Leadership Council work, because there is no way Coughlin can give up power like he did without someone like Strahan on the other side delivering the results and getting the players to follow the program.

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