Marvelous color on the NY Giants

We have not seen a single preseason game, let alone the regular season, but Marvelous is willing to share his first impressions:

1) Lawrence, Long Island, NY roots of Shane Olivea make him well known to Marvelous, who says the Giants got lucky here and if the guy can stay clean he will be a GREAT pickup. “I really believe he will be a fixture on the team for years to come. Does not matter whether he is a second stringer or what, the Giants STOLE HIM. The Giants were good for him and he will reward them.”
2) Manningham reminds him of Toomer. Does not run great routes, the future lies ahead of him, all in his hands (literally and figuratively). “He could become a very good player, a steady member of our offensive arsenal, all up to him.”
3) “I think Phillips will start, he is terrific, he has the goods, will be very important to us. If he doesn’t start at the first snap of the season he will not be far behind.”
4) The injuries (so early) are making things tougher to put into perspective… annoying more than anything else.
5) “Kiwanuka will be an excellent player at LB. Very smart. He will not be a DE. More confidence, stability, long arms, long steps, he will okay, a winner, he may surprise a lot of people.” He is very concerned about the LBers and this is why Kiwi is CRITICAL to the Giants this season. “Wilkinson bothers me with all his injuries.”
6) Concerned about defensive backs gelling. “Madison at his age? ..Injury prone. Makes up for it with his smarts.”
7) Concerned about Jacobs. Injury prone, also “slowed up at the end of the year, hit the hole like an old man. I lost confidence in him at the end of the season and was shocked that the Giants did not use Bradshaw more. The 4th and 1 play call (Patriots final drive) to Jacobs was an abomination- he looked very slow and very tired.”
8) Toomer is no youngster but he is very important, always the escape valve for Manning.
9) Offensive line is cohesive. “Snee is the best on the line. McKenzie showing some wear, will be a problem this year, he played out of his skull the past season and it will catch up to us. This guy (Olivea) from SD is going to help us here, since he plays RT. Very strong, a motor that does not stop, I am telling you we stole him.”
10) O’Hara has the smarts, important.
11) Dallas is the team to beat, no contest. All Stars everywhere.
12) “Let’s see if Bradshaw can improve his game. I am hearing he is in great shape, he can give us that extra energy to put us over the top.”
13) Last but not least, “my faith in Eli Manning is enormous. I absolutely feel he will be clutch when it counts. His resolve is enormous, he finds ways to win games. He is the Giants, he is the man, God forbid he gets hurt.”

I will not pin a prediction on Marvelous until the end of preseason, but he definitely supplied us with plenty of color here, thanks Marvelous.

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