Some comments from your questions

Someone questioned Tomlinson’s future in SD…and Chargers in general..first, let me restate the age-old axiom that RB’s get OLD overnight…LT was GREAT/AWESOME..but as he gets to the wrong side of 30, the hits and the injuries take their toll…the knee last year was bad enough..but the TOE injury this year almost made him invisible/slow at times..and when he finally seems his old self, he pulls/tears a groin tendon..pretty sad for for SD, they will be OK if, and only if, they remember Bennett is part of their team..they MUST run the ball up the gut a little to keep Pitt honest..but keep Sproles for kick returns, draws, flares, etc…also, SD must THROW the ball to win..which means PASS PROTECT..if they can, they have a puncher’s chance…they will need to sign a free agent runner or draft a “big” guy as Sproles CANNOT carry the load…let LT carry about 15 times a game if he heals ok…now, back to our JINTS !!!

Another reader questioned the Eagles’ LB corps vs. the NY LB’s..sorry, guys, but it’s not close..the PHIL LB’s are MUCH more athletic and capable of “dropping into coverage” or covering the RB out in the flat..Pierce is great as a leader and run-stuffer, but he CANNOT RUN..the good news is that Spags KNOWS this and his DEF game-plan does NOT call for him OR the other LB’s to “cover” very much…but he does want them TO HIT after short Phil. completions…as for our game, I EXPECT THE G-MEN to come out smoking on BOTH lines of Jacobs, soften up their D, and then go play-action…I think “waggles” to Boss will work EXTEMELY well as they overpursue…play fake to left, semi-rollout/bootleg to right, and have Smith and/or Boss coming from the LEFT/strong side across the same time, have Smith in slot to right, and run a double move to a “skinny post”..the pressure on the safety will be IMPOSSIBLE to handle and Jints should exploit this at least 3-4 times during the game..also, the ONLY guy that really worries me is NOT Westbrook…he will be “game-planned” for..and it’s not Jackson as he’s a “home-run” hitter we MUST contain..but AVANT can MOVE THE CHAINS…and we CANNOT let McNabb convert those 3rd down plays with passes to AVANT for 8-10 yds…they WILL NOT be able to run…soooo, stop the checkdowns/screens to Westbrook, the deep bomb to Jackson, and focus on Avant on 3rd down…and Jints note: Robbins/Cofield MUST collapse the pocket…if this is done, EASY NY WIN…if they blow their assignments, it will be a battle…but we SHOULD BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE LINES

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