Jeremy Shockey

Fictional conversation overheard…

Brees: Are you coming to the voluntary OTAs?
Shockey: Maybe, I’m not sure.
Brees: Whadya mean, maybe???!!
Shockey: Well, I am supposed to be in Miami when..
Brees: Miami? MIAMI!! Do you play for the freaking Dolphins?
Shockey: No, but I like practicing at Miami with all the Hurricane players.
Brees: McFly?? McFly?! Hello McFly. Here, let me help me you out. I’ll give you some geography. You show up at all the OTAs, voluntary or mandatory. In LOUISIANA. Or else I am not looking your way.
Shockey: I’m going to be healthy this season and I’ll be able to help the team much more than last season.
Brees: You’re not going to help anyone here if you dare miss even a single practice. You’re on my s*** list if you miss a single practice, you hear me pea brain?
Shockey: I get it, I get it.
Brees: Good. Now tell me what happened in Vegas.

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