Phil Simms Sunday Oct 4th

Simms did not comment on the Giants, partially because there were more interesting games around the league this weekend, but also because Francesa controlled the agenda and did not want to go there.

1) Simms was not ready to declare the Ravens an elite team yet because of the DEFENSE, not the offense.  He had a lot of praise for Flacco, for the improvement he has made in the offseason (more than Ryan).  Quoted the coaches, saying how they felt that Flacco is built physically/mentally (including his arm mechanics) to be an NFL franchise QB for a LONG LONG time.  Feels the Ravens Offense is more dynamic. The defense is not pressuring the QB, is not as complicated and you can throw the football against them. (Editorial remark- losing Rex Ryan and Bart Scott had to hurt them.)

2) The Patriots are not an elite team yet.  They have the skill players there to be that, can get there in time, likes them so far.  They are faster on defense.

3) Very complimentary of the NO Saints. If you do not blitz Brees you will not win the game.  Sean Payton is the best playcaller in the game (what, it’s not Gilbride?).  You must pressure both the QBs and WRs of this team in order to have a chance at stopping them.. disrupting their timing is the best way to do that.  The Superdome is the loudest place in the league.  It was that way for me when he played.  The Saints defense with Greg Williams will blitz, and they will blitz the Jets today.  The OL and running game of the Saints are much improved. Simms singled out FB Heath Evans’ very good play. Simms is a believer in the Saints.

4) The Colts have gotten faster on offense…  removing Harrison and adding Garcon will do that.  Peyton Manning is the master at delivering the ball to a spot.  He implied the same conclusion as Wonder, that Manning is the best in the league, Brees right there too. 

5) The Steelers obviously miss Polamalu but he downplayed that and felt that the NFL was simply studying the Super Bowl champion and catching up to how to play against those LBers.  (My editorial remark- the Giants had already beaten this team in 2008 in the game that Gilbride (they win despite him) was 1-6 in the red zone, WITH Polamalu.)

6) The league is filling up with many good QBs, a testament to how coaches are designing better offenses around their QBs. 

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