Charles Dickens NFL

It was the best of times (Minnesota Vikings), it was the worst of times (Washington Redskins),

it was the age of wisdom (Peyton Manning), it was the age of foolishness (Dre Bly),

it was the epoch of belief (Denver Broncos), it was the epoch of incredulity (Tennessee Titans),

it was the Season of Light (Brett Favre), it was the season of Darkness (Jamarcus Russell),

it was the spring of hope (Rex Ryan), it was the winter of despair (Raheem Morris),

we had everything before us (NY Giants), we had nothing before us (St. Louis Rams),

we were all going direct to heaven (Miles Austin), we were all going direct the other way (Donnie Avery)-

in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities (Jerry Jones) insisted on it being received, for good (Mike Zimmer) or for evil (Ray Lewis hit of Ocho Cinco), in the superlative degree of comparison only.   

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