Coordinators Q&A

Bill Sheridan Q&A

“..we anticipated New Orleans running the ball.  And they didn’t do that.  They threw it out of groupings that we were anticipating playing run calls on.”
This is the benefit of being unpredictable. This is the specific benefit of play-action. 

“..we should’ve just pressured more.  Not only more frequently, but send more guys than they could pick up.”

“that was their plan to max (protect) it up and throw the ball.”

Q:  Do you think moving forward then that you guys will kind of ramp up the number of times you blitz a game?
A:  Yes, anticipating that is what people will try to do to us.  Because we have a good pass rush and so people are not going to let them get off and they will block more guys and run fewer guys in routes; so, yes, absolutely.

Kevin Gilbride Q&A

“When those areas (downfield) are there and you have those chances, and like I said, three of the first ten plays we had a chance for a touchdown and didn’t hit it for whatever reason. That would have backed them off tremendously. Then we could have run the ball and controlled the clock. We got behind and we had to continue to throw. We had chances. There were things that we saw and we knew they would be there and they were there and we didn’t take advantage as we would have hoped.”

Ultimatenyg here.  As for Sheridan, if his words are worth anything, he certainly figured it out.  That was about as candid an admission as we will see.  Assuming the ability to adjust is there, great.  As for Gilbride, I may have been in the minority on this one, but I like what he did.  Some here voiced a different opinion, one which I respect, that said the Giants needed to go shorter and control the clock.  Well, you have good company in Wonder, because he focused on that too.  But I think if you are going to play in this league and they are going to give you those single coverage looks where our WRs are beating their man, then it is up to Eli Manning to deliver that ball and punish those defenses.  I am not going to sit here and say throw the long ball when it works and don’t throw the long ball when it doesn’t.  If defenses are going to give you that, BURN THEM.  Make them pay. And then all of a sudden the underneath stuff opens up. 


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