Banks on the state of the NYG

You can always count on Carl Banks to give you an objective and realistic viewpoint on the current state of the Giants.  Even Benigno and Roberts value his high football I.Q. as they queried him about an interest in becoming a defensive coordinator.

Banks is still bewildered as to why Gilbride insists on keeping this offense one-dimensional.  He goes “crazy’ when they go into “the shotgun on 2nd down.”  He “absolutely” believes they have gotten away from the run as you have “a good back you have to make them honor” him and not “self impose a one dimensional” game plan.

Roberts asked the question as perhaps they are going into the shotgun to protect Eli and it appears to have dated since he developed his case of Plantar Fasciitis.  Banks shies away from this hypothesis but this does make sense and if true puts the team at jeopardy in addition to their $107 million dollar QB.

On the players, he keeps coming back to “players not getting it done” and “not holding their end of the bargain.”  Yet there are some players giving “effort” as one player in particular is Tuck who “is giving a lot of effort all over the field.”  From a former player’s perspective he believes perhaps “they’ve gotten fat and lazy” and have “no pride.”  Maybe they need to “stop talking about their destiny.”  However, surprisingly Carl states that “staff- by far a pretty good staff” yet he later adds that the players’ “technique is poor,” a point that is somewhat contradictory.

Roberts posed the question on whether TC needs to go back to “ruling with an iron fist” and Banks counters with the fact that TC needs to impose a higher premium on player performance and accountability.”  Is he insinuating here that he is too soft on them?  Again a player’s poor performance and mistakes is where “you can blame a coach for that” yet the “the accountability is 50-50.”

On Sheridan is where his response to a question gets interesting.   When asked of his opinion about Sheridan his response was “did you know Al Groh got fired?”  He has high praise for Al Groh and believes “any team that gets him” gets a “great teacher.”  Is that a lobbying effort for Groh and change or what?

Banks believes the Giants have to win against Dallas but they are “done until further notice” as far as he can tell right now.  He hit the point made here with his comment:   “does anyone have confidence that they can get things together?”

If the Giants are “done until further notice” the “Eagles are the pick” to win the division.  He feels that the Eagles are “rounding out on defense even though they clearly miss Johnson” but they need to deal with getting “consistency on offense.”    Dallas is a “viable opponent” as their defense has come up “with lots of pressure and blitzing” and they are “running the football” … two things the Giants have apparently recently struggled with i.e. the Mile High fiasco.

Motown here.  It is quite apparent reading between the lines that Banks puts a bit of blame on the coaching staff even though the “accountability is 50-50.”  The “self-imposed one dimensional” game plan, his response to a question on Sheridan’s competency, and where is TC’s “higher premium” on player “accountability” are all examples.  Al Groh would make a great deal of sense if TC survives as both go back to Parcells in the Meadowlands. Frankly Groh would be a much improved addition given he is also a “great teacher,” as apparently the pupils in Sheridan’s class have fallen asleep during class.  Finally, Eli is suffering from a “stress reaction.”  Just wonder what “stress reaction” TC feels right now?

Thank you to the other #58 for all helping bring a Super Bowl to us as he was placed on IR yesterday.  The guy played hard and overachieved as much as we have criticized him lately for his lack of speed.  His studious approach to the game and ability to read tendencies compensated for his limited physical abilities.  He will always be respected.

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