Happy New Year, Giants Fans!

Happy New Year, Giants fans.  We have a lot to be grateful for.

Thankfully, the Giants have a strong front office.  This is not the 1970’s, where the infighting between the Maras made management ineffective.  I may be oversimplifying the story, but Pete Rozelle realized that it was crazy for the NFL to have this storied franchise with a 50+ year history in NY floundering.  So he stepped in, came up with a list of candidates for a new GM, and both Tim and Wellington agreed on a guy named George Young.  The rest is… history.  The franchise has unified ownership and a GM who can identify talent.  Reese is not perfect, but he is very capable.  His stellar draft of 2007 was a huge part of the Super Bowl run.  So the message here is that there is a great deal to be optimistic about in 2010.  The Giants have a strong platform that fosters success. 

While we are critical of the slowness with which this franchise makes changes, it does get it right.  The decisions and changes that are coming in the next number of days and weeks will be deliberate, measured and calculated.  While I suspect the change that is delivered will be less than many here believe is necessary, we have to understand that collectively the people behind the curtain do ‘get it.’  I heard on radio that when John Mara was met in the parking lot after the Panthers debacle by the media, he politely deflected attempts for an interview.  “Please allow me to suffer in silence,” he said.  That is all you can ask of your owner… that he is connected to the performance of the team.  You hope AND TRUST that they are addressing the issues of 2009.

2010 has a host of problems awaiting the team.  When you list all of the positions where there are needs, it is quite lengthy.  We will have plenty of time in the offseason to talk about these needs.  We’ll get a lot of talk going on free agency in February/March and a lot of draft analysis here in March/April.

Happy New Year everyone, and with any luck at all 2010 will offer promise to be better than 2009. 

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