NFL’s Black Monday

Before the axe fell on Sheridan the original #58 weighs in on the aftermath of yet another ‘embarrassment’ and what was a disastrous season.

Same basic themes were brought up by Carl regarding the fact that he would have “love(ed) to have seen guys that can compete” as the game played out there was “no fight in (Giants) to really compete.”

John Mara spoke harshly about his current team and a question was posed on how he would react if Coughlin did not make changes to the coaching staff he responded by stating that “the status quo, after what we just went through, is just not acceptable (and) we need to do something.”  It does seem rather interesting that about 2 hours later Coughlin abruptly disposes of Sheridan after Banks earlier believed that the team will not “move that quick” to fire Sheridan.  In general Carl believes that “there’s going to be a lot of evaluation going on” as they will in particular “evaluate the coaching methods.”  Specifically as it relates to the coaching methods Carl asks “why weren’t the guys responding” to the “coaching, coaching methods, or the coach itself?” 

We all know that as Banks points out that “leadership is lacking” but yesterday’s comments from Tuck and Smith are very alarming.  Per Smith, “We just weren’t motivated.” Some games it seemed like we had great weeks of practice, but we didn’t show it on game day.”  Well Tuck felt he would have been more of a leader but as he stated:

“the thing about me is it’s tough for me to say something to a guy or, I guess, lead a guy when I see something going on, when I can’t lead by example.  Because of the injuries this year, I didn’t feel like I had a right to say some of the things I wanted to say because I couldn’t practice 100 percent, I couldn’t do the things I wanted to do to lead this team by example. For me personally, it’s tough for me to kind of jump on some other guy for what he’s doing when I’m not able to do it myself.”

In general, however, Tuck laments that “sometimes we try to be too nice and not say anything that might ruffle a feather here or there. Obviously we need to evaluate that and I guess be more hands-on approach with it.”  What is now was not the case in recent years past as Tuck believes that “this team has been great when we had leadership by committee. The years Strahan was here, obviously he was a focal point of leadership but you still had guys like Antonio (Pierce), (Amani) Toomer and Tiki (Barber), when he was here. Eli is coming into his own as a leader. I think we just have to do a better job as a group of leaders. That is when you start to see changes as far as how the young guys kind of approach certain situations.”  Well the guy who signs his checks was wondering that himself as Mr. Mara stated that “I am disappointed that nobody emerged to act like a leader.  I think a lot of guys have that in them. But for whatever reason, it didn’t come out this year.” 

In response to the notion brought up by Evans and Roberts about the possibility of firing Coughlin Banks bristled by stating that it is “ridiculous to consider firing Tom Coughlin.” Carl states that he “played for some bad coaches and Tom Coughlin doesn’t fall into that category” as his “principles are tried and true and they work.”  Carl also admitted that yes Ray Handley was one of those bad coaches be played for.

Perhaps the talent on defense is really not what we thought as Carl stated that he “stopped counting after 25 missed tackles” on Sundays a** whooping II.   A unit that Carl immediately addresses in evaluation for next year is the linebacker unit as he questioned whether “any of these young players, of which no one has seen a lot of, ready to step up?”  In terms of a measuring stick “there is a formula for that because if you look at the production of the young wide receivers as no one thought that they could step up.  If you believe a guy like Sintim, Kehl and Goff can contribute then you go out and find guys to put around them.  Do you need a stud at middle linebacker?  You probably do.” On the free agent market when they are considering a player to shore up an area of weakness they need to evaluate the “system that they are coming from” and whether they are coming from a “losing culture” or a “history of soft, undisciplined football” because if they are “don’t get ‘em.”  His comment about veteran leadership can be tied into Tuck’s comments above when Banks states there is “something to be said about veteran leadership” as a Sam Madison, Ruben Droughns (or McQuarters) kept guys focused and kept guys playing at a different level.”  Banks debated on whether Pierce may have a role on the team next year as he “can still play but maybe not at the level that he was” but his point was that you need “veteran leadership in the locker room just to keep guys focused and who understand football.”  Bottom line if “you talk to any of the good coaches in this league and you ask them about veteran players that can lead” and they’ll say “it’s very important”

Motown here, It is interesting to hear Banks comments when he defiantly defends Coughlin in contrast to his statements later on a coach who he believes to be one of the elite coaches in the league, Jeff Fisher.  Banks marvels at how Fisher gets “the most out the hand he is dealt.”  He obviously gets the most out of his players after starting 0-5 and finishing 8-2 versus Coughlin’s 3-7. Is this not hypocritical and purely contradictory to protect a man of “principles that are tried and true” as they obviously do not “work” given he is not getting the “the most out the hand he is dealt.”  Then again per Carl “If you give me 5 good players and six guys that can compete on both sides of the ball I can win more than 8 games in this league” and we all know that Carl believes “this is a team not devoid of talent.”  But yet furthermore Carl did reflect upon his experience as an “ex-player” where he “came from an environment that was” centered around “accountability.”  Does this appear to be a team that is held accountable when their last 2 opponents drop a combined 85 points on you and answer with 10?

Well it appears Coughlin is safe for now as Mara stated “there will be no change to the Head Coach or General Manager.”  Yet he did state that “I’m not pleased with anyone right now (and) we are going to have to discuss everything at this point.”   Coughlin will very likely still be roaming the sidelines next year but can we afford this based on all the evidence surmounted up to this point?  Are the General Manager and Head Coach on the same page with personnel given that they have a severe lack of leadership in the locker room?  Isn’t this an area that the head coach should be keenly aware of?

By the way this still leaves us with another coordinator that has been in the background while Sheridan took the limelight.  The Bills have cleaned house and rumors have circulated that Al wants Cable out.  Do we need to dust off Andy’s letter of recommendation for Gilbride?  Who can withstand another year of Gilbrown?  

Finally we have a current player that made a very alarming, for Coughlin and company, but realistic comment when he states that “maybe leadership needs to take another role and talk to guys and maybe see what guys are thinking,” Smith said. “Do some different things, try some different things next season.”

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