Free Agency 2010

Pete opened up the discussion about the draft last week and the consensus was defense, defense, defense. 


Now let’s look at who is available in the free agent market for 2010 so far.  Banks a few weeks back gave his roadmap in approaching the free agent market as you need to evaluate the “system that (a player is) coming from” and whether they are coming from a “losing culture” or a “history of soft, undisciplined football” because if they are “don’t get ‘em.”    Players need to be evaluated for not only pure talent and immediate impact but what veteran leadership they bring to the table.  Those that stand out as unrestricted free agents and needs based in the discussions here on this blog are:

DT Wilfork from New England, DE Seymour from Oakland, OT Tauscher/Clifton from Green Bay, DT Hampton from Pittsburgh and OLB Bulluck from Tennessee.  Of the 5 listed 4 are on the immediate downside of their careers but bring veteran leadership and or fill an immediate need.  Wilfork would provide the plug in the middle to protect a possible new rookie MLB, veteran leadership from a winning culture and a push up the middle that was sorely lacking this past season.   Hampton would be high on the list to but at soon to be 32 years of age as a nose tackle how much does he have left in the tank?  Bulluck too will be entering year 10 of his career and we have already endured slow aging LBs for too long.

The top 2 most talented and high profile are Peppers and Robinson who will a) demand a ransom, b) limited or no leadership or c) get tagged anyway. 

The remainder of the legitimate UFA (unrestricted free agents) are as follows:

MLB Brackett from Indianapolis

S Phillips from Tampa

CB Harper from Tennessee

CB Lucas from Seattle

OT Gandy from Arizona

RB Parker from Pittsburgh

RB Taylor from Minnesota

OLB Dansby from Arizona

OLB Tinoisamoa from Chicago

DE Vanden Bosch from Tennessee

This doesn not however take into account teams who dispose of unwanted bloated contracts during an uncapped year.  Hopefully many will appear that fulfill the immediate needs at Safety, OLB, MLB and DT.

By the way, many thanks to Mr. Jones for his support of Wade.

Pete chimes in with the following free agent color: 
(1) I don’t much care for most of these guys for various reasons.
(2) Peppers is not worth what he will ask for.  If he wants to really play he can make a difference. There is a big attitude problem here and why risk it? I don’t think this guy will lead or help anyone in the locker room. If only he had his head on straight. He will also demand a long term deal with mega bucks guaranteed. 
(3) Dunta Robinson is interesting but I’m not sure that with a good draft the Giants really need him. 
(4) I am one of those who thinks, if healthy, the Giants have a very talented bunch of young d.b’s.  Lucas and Harper were once considered top guys. I think Harper might be interesting at the right price.

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