Making the case for Mays

When it is the Giants turn to make their first round selection, I would like NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to announce the following: “With the 15th pick in the 2010 NFL draft, the Giants select  Taylor Mays, safety University of Southern California.”  Here is why:

1.  During his “State of the Giants” year end press conference, Giants GM Jerry Reese bemoaned, “I thought half the time we were a physical team, the other half we were not physical,” Reese said. “That is one of my three things. The first thing you have to do when you play in the National Football League, you have to go out there and be physical. That is the number one thing that you have to do. You have to go out there and match the physicality of the other team. If you do that, you give yourself a chance to win the game.”  Translation: The Giants had too many players especially on defense who were pussycats.  On the other hand, Mays plays physical.  NFL Network’s Mike Mayock’s thoughts about Mays: “He’s got size. He’s going to run well. He’s got good range. And he’s a physical kid.”

2.  After addressing their need at safety by signing free agent Antrel Rolle, the Giants have to upgrade their linebacker position.  Even though Mays is listed as a safety, I think the Giants will use him as a linebacker.  Why?  Unimpressed with his run defense in 2009, Tom Coughlin stated,  “We didn’t stop the run, that is the first thing you are asking.”   According to New Era ScoutingMays plays the run better than most linebackers. Flies in to the box with massive force, strength, and aggression. Can make hits that send running backs to the sideline for good. Is usually good about wrapping up but will occasionally go for the big hit, keeping his arms at bay.  More importantly, the Giants struggled guarding a tight end.   Mays lists at 6’3″ and 230 lbs and runs like a gazelle.  Undoubtedly, he would be able to stay stride for stride with the likes of Jason Witten, Chris Cooley, and Brent Celek.  Having Mays on the Giants would improve their run and pass defense.

3.  When drafting a player, the Giants place great emphasis on character. The NFL analyst Gil Brandt had this to say about Accorsi and Reese, “Both place an emphasis on intelligence and character when evaluating players.”  Despite being considered a top 10 NFL prospect a year ago, Mays decided to return to USC for his senior year.  He wanted to get better as a player.  According to,   He’s the first to say he’s never completely content with his play and constantly strives to achieve more. It’s that work ethic and dedication that personifies Mays. He spends hours in the weight room, watching tapes and studying the game. He laughs off questions about outside interests like music and movies, saying football is his priority and holds his complete attention.  

In conclusion, Mays is an extremely gifted athlete and a “clean kid”.  (Clean kid is a term Giants GM Jerry Reese uses in describing personal character.)  Therefore, unequivocally, the Giants should pick Taylor Mays.   




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