Bradshaw = Hope

Ahmad Bradshaw had surgery this offseason… 3 times… to correct his feet and ankle.

This is an uptick.  Why?  Because there is hope and upside again.  Over the past year or two we had seen a steady degradation of #44’s skills.  In short, Bradshaw slid. 

Where there is surgery there is hope.  Of course Bradshaw may not be able to play at a high enough level again.  But this is not like a knee injury.  ACLs take great players like Terrell Davis and make them has-beens.  Ankles and feet generally do not stop careers.

Going up one more level, we have the injury discussions around all of the Running Backs.  Jacobs, Brown and Ware were all hurt.  We can have a certain amount of optimism that between all of these guys, that ~2 of them will be effective. 

Jacobs WILL get hurt this year.  But it does not have to be Week 1, for heaven’s sake.

Brown will take time to make it back from the Achilles.  But he should be able to stay on the field in this, his second rookie season.  It will likely have to wait until his following year in 2011 before we find out how much we have.

Ware needs to put three successive plays together, let alone three successive games.

Bradshaw is the warrior over-achiever who just needs to stay healthy and he will deliver.  There is plenty of reason to doubt him, but there are too many more reasons to hope.    


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