Bradshaw a starter?

Mosley responds to a big question on whether Bradshaw should take over as starter in 2010. 

Injuries have limited Bradshaw since his rookie year as documented by the Bradshawlic Andy in his post last month.  Even if you consider all the injuries last year he had, Bradshaw “averaged 4.8 per carry and 6 carries for 20 yard or more.” 

It is an understatement that the running game faltered last year. Injuries to Jacobs in Week 1, Seubert’s injury-plagued season, McKenzie was hurt often and that did not help the OL’s production.  As critical as we can be on this blog we all can defend Jacobs for his performance last year. Still, some believe he is the most over-rated  player in the NFL. 

An aging line and a possible new regular starter with Beatty competing for the LT spot may need a quicker and more explosive back to hit the hole.  A woeful red zone offense certainly could be boosted by an RB who can both provide speed outside the tackles while running inside with a burst and under appreciated power.  Since 2007 Bradshaw has produced the following TDs: 4 from 3 yards or less, 2 for 4 yards, 1 for 10 yards, 3 10+ yards, and 1 18 yard receiving TD.  While Jacobs produced 28 rushing TDs but with only 9 TDs more than 4 yards and 1 for a 4 yard TD.  Overall Jacobs had only 4 rushing TDs for 10+ yards which is 14% of his total while Bradshaw has 33% of his TDs of 10+ yards.  Barber saved Coughlin’s  a** in 2006 with his 200+ yard performance against the Redskins to earn a spot in the playoffs perhaps he will look to a similar style back to save him again in 2010. Even Steve Smith projects big things for his fellow teammate this year as “he has enough talent and enough ability to make some big plays for us.” 

If Bradshaw is indeed back to 100% healthy wouldn’t you rather go with an explosive back with home run power?  Has all the pounding Jacobs received relegated him to where he was when Barber was still playing, a situational back?

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